Ballet is everyday this week... I don't know what to do!!! I want to give up! When I climbed to the third floor of the school building to practice, I didn't care. I just chose wherever I was standing to lie down and lament.
Before I give up let me pause and ask myself:
1. What do I prioritize more. The competition, or the run thru?
BOTH!!! I'll be missing out on equally important thing if I don't go to either.
2. Which one is a major stress factor?
The hip hop practices! [How do you get people your age to listen to you without threatening them that you'll throw a pointe show if they don't keep quiet]
3. Where am I most needed?
Competition: Choreo (mine isn't very good, BTW)
Ballet: Fairy. One of only two people in the Beginners Pointe Class. Photoshoot after rehearsal on Friday.
I shouldn't have chosen activities that are spaced too close together
:( Stress is bad. This is making me sick, seriously. I've been getting headaches, a runny nose, and a sore throat, this weekend...
Lets see... decision time :S This is
so UN-professional -_-
Just a quick fact:
Did you know that another term for pointing the foot is "Plantar Flexion" :) Just got it out of
Dance Anatomy.
Note to Self: Must replenish supply of Ballet Pics. The ones I have right now are getting... boring -_-
P.S. The box of my Grishko's are softening. Another
"In The Shoes" entry coming up! Maybe around April